Apartament Na Leśnej

698 30...
ul. Leśna, Wisełka, zachodniopomorskie
per night from
35 PLN
number of beds

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
apartmentfor 4 personal1140-310/apartment

Additional information: prices depend on season.

Additionally local fee.


Apartment with 2 rooms.

About us

At guests' disposal kitchenette.

In the facility air-conditioning.

Additionally on the premises terrace.

The facility is fenced.

Atrybuty / atuty

Ważne informacje

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accommodation in the neighborhood

Poszukiwane miejsca w okolicy

- Kościół Św. Józefa Opiekuna Rodzin w Wisełce ~ 370 m
- Pole golfowe Amber Baltic Golf Club ~ 2.43 km
- Kościół Św. Katarzyny w Kołczewie ~ 2.99 km