Domek Letniskowy Wczasowa

698 30...
ul. Wczasowa, Gołdap, warmińsko-mazurskie
per night from
20 PLN

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
cottagefor 6 personal1120-200/house


Bungalow comfortable, cottage, wooden.

Bungalow consists of bathroom, toilet, kitchen, 2 bedrooms.

About us

On the premises water equipment rental, parking lot.

Additionally on the premises place for bonfire.

At guests' disposal ironing board, iron.

Our attractions

For the active guest we offer tennis court, sports field.

For children play-ground, slide, sandpit, swing.


At guests' disposal bar, restaurant.


We offer traditional Polish hospitality and relax in the beautiful region of Poland.

Atrybuty / atuty

Rodzaj oferty

Ważne informacje

similar listings
bungalows in the neighborhood
accommodation in the neighborhood

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