Domek w Rycerce

698 30...
Rycerka Górna, Rajcza, śląskie
per night from
84 PLN
number of beds

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
cottagefor 6 person(s)2500-1500/house


Domek Dolny - on the ground floor a living room with a fireplace, a bathroom with a shower, a dressing room and a fully equipped kitchen; on the first floor, 3 cozy bedrooms, a bathroom with a bathtub, a wardrobe in the hall.

Domek Górny - on the ground floor, a hall with a dressing room and toilet, as well as a sauna and a hot tub; on the first floor living room with fireplace, kitchenette, dining corner, exit to the terrace; on the second floor, 3 bedrooms, bathroom with shower and toilet.

Our attractions

We provide: 2 mountain bikes, a hammock, a badminton set, board games, and a sled for children.


The facility is located on the slope of Praszywka, 150 meters from the main road, on the edge of the Landscape Park.

Atrybuty / atuty

Ważne informacje

Pobliskie miejscowości

Rajcza ~8.3 km
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